If you need legal assistance, resources to understand the legal processes and protect your rights or if you face other legal challenges, there is local help available to you.
In addition to a wealth of print and online resources, Stark County has many legal advocates available to support people in the local justice system, including program providers, pro-bono attorneys, law schools, bar associations and other organizations and individuals to selflessly deliver valuable legal aid to local adults.
Read moreRe-entering the community after jail time is no easy task. After being released, people often struggle to find a place in society and require critical services and support. They may benefit from programs to help rebuild family relationships and access public benefits, housing and employment.
Read moreStark County Family Court is located at 110 Central Plaza S, Suite 601, Canton, Ohio. In addition to metered street parking, the Cornerstone Garage is available behind the Stark County Office Building with an entrance on 3rd Street.
Read moreIt is common for people who struggle with substance use to also receive mental health services. Those who have been through trauma or experience anxiety or depression may turn to alcohol and drugs to cope. Fortunately, community programs are available to help these individuals find healthy ways to heal and move forward.
Read moreFor Stark County families to grow stronger and healthier, it is important that everyone has the support they need to maintain their emotional well-being. There are hundreds of mental health, substance use and trauma recovery resources available here in Stark County, including individual, family and faith-based services.
Read moreVITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is a service from United Way of Greater Stark County that helps moderate to low-income households meet basic needs and build financial assets as they continue to achieve long-term financial independence.
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